ACC arrests Bagerhat Sonali Bank officer

UNB, Bagerhat :
The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) Saturday arrested a cash officer of Sonali Bank’s main branch in Bagerhat district from Sonadanga area of Khulna city in a case filed for misappropriating around Tk 4.50 crore. The arrestee was identified as M Jahangir Hossain Khalifa, 50, a junior cash officer of the bank and a CBA leader. Tipped off, a team of the ACC arrested Jahangir from Sonadanga area of Khulna city in the
evening, said Abul Hasem Kazi, ACC assistant director and investigation officer of the case. The arrested bank official will be handed over to Sonadanga Model Police Station in Khulna on Sunday after primary investigation. On August 7, the ACC arrested the same bank’s former manager Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 55, hailing from Chakshri village in Baintola union of Rampal upazila in Bagerhat district, from Nur Nagar area in Khulna city in the case. He is now in Bagerhat jail. Mujibur along with two officials-Sheikh Mahfizur Rahman and M Jahangir Hossain Khalifa-and 12 clients allegedly misappropriated Tk 4.49 crore from the accounts of 150 clients of the branch at Railroad in Bagerhat town during 2012-2015. Later, a case was filed against Mujibur with Bagerhat Model Police Station in October, 2015.