ACC approves case against son of ex-RHD chief engr


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Monday approved of a case to be filed against S M Faizul Haque, son of former Roads and Highways Department Chief Engineer Fazlul Haque.
He will be sued on charge of accumulating huge wealth beyond his known sources of income as well as concealing those in his wealth statement submitted to the commission.
ACC senior officers in its regular meeting in the commission’s head office have taken this decision, ACC Public Relation Officer told it to The New Nation.
ACC on receipt of information that Faizul Haque owned vast wealth and properties dishonestly began an inquiry.
After examining his wealth statement, and information received from different corners and spot visits, the ACC found his wealth worth Tk 1.86 crore, which he concealed in his statement.
Besides, the commission dug out huge wealth earned by him in a dishonest way.
ACC Deputy Director Mirza Zahidul Alam may file the case with Ramna Model Thana shortly, the PRO said.
