Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Finance Minister inaugurated 10 New Branches of Mercantile Bank Limited through Video Conference from a city hotel on Thursday. Fazle Kabir, Bangladesh Bank Governor, Shahidul Ahsan, Chairman, AKM Shaheed Reza, Vice Chairman, Mohammad Selim, Executive Committee Chairman, Akram Hussain (Humayun), M Amanullah, Md Abdul Hannan, Mosharref Hossain, and Dr Md Rahmat Ullah, Directors of the bank were present among others.

Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Finance Minister inaugurated 10 New Branches of Mercantile Bank Limited through Video Conference from a city hotel on Thursday. Fazle Kabir, Bangladesh Bank Governor, Shahidul Ahsan, Chairman, AKM Shaheed Reza, Vice Chairman, Moham
Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Finance Minister inaugurated 10 New Branches of Mercantile Bank Limited through Video Conference from a city hotel on Thursday. Fazle Kabir, Bangladesh Bank Governor, Shahidul Ahsan, Chairman, AKM Shaheed Reza, Vice Chairman, Moham

