Abul Kasem Mohiuddin Al-Amin, Chief Procurement Officer of Grameenphone (GP), Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun, Chairman of CMED Health and Minhaz Khan, Managing Director of Inovace, exchanging a MoU signing documents at GP House in the city recently. Under the deal, three companies will collaborate for development and implementation of IoT based cutting-edge applications in accordance with crucial requirements of Bangladesh. Mahmud Hossain, Chief Business Officer of Grameenphone and high official from respective organizations were also present.

Abul Kasem Mohiuddin Al-Amin, Chief Procurement Officer of Grameenphone (GP), Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun, Chairman of CMED Health and Minhaz Khan, Managing Director of Inovace, exchanging a MoU signing documents at GP House in the city recently. Under th
Abul Kasem Mohiuddin Al-Amin, Chief Procurement Officer of Grameenphone (GP), Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun, Chairman of CMED Health and Minhaz Khan, Managing Director of Inovace, exchanging a MoU signing documents at GP House in the city recently. Under th

