Abu Farah Md. Nasser, Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank handing over a cheque under a project specially designed to strengthen economic sustainability of the RMG sector named “Program to Support Safety Retrofits and Environmental Upgrades in the Bangladeshi Ready-made Garment (RMG) Sector Project (SREUP)” to Virtual Knit & Leisurewear Limited through Bank Asia Limited at Bangladesh Bank Head Office on Thursday. Md. Arfan Ali, Managing Director, SM Iqbal Hossain, DMD, Zahid Hossain, SEVP of Bank Asia were also present.

Abu Farah Md. Nasser, Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank handing over a cheque under a project specially designed to strengthen economic sustainability of the RMG sector named "Program to Support Safety Retrofits and Environmental Upgrades in the Bang
Abu Farah Md. Nasser, Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank handing over a cheque under a project specially designed to strengthen economic sustainability of the RMG sector named "Program to Support Safety Retrofits and Environmental Upgrades in the Bang