ABT planned attack on jail to free party chief: RAB

Four members of Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) were arrested by the RAB from Uttara area as they were intended to attack jail to free their chief. This photo was taken from Media Centre in Kawran Bazar on Friday.
Four members of Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) were arrested by the RAB from Uttara area as they were intended to attack jail to free their chief. This photo was taken from Media Centre in Kawran Bazar on Friday.
UNB, Dhaka :
Members of Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) intended to attack jail to free their chief Jashimuddin Rahmani, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) said on Friday.
“They are trying to regroup,” Mufti Mahmud Khan, director of RAB’S legal and media wing, told a press briefing at Rab Media Centre in Kawran Bazar.
“ABT members are working on target killings although they have no leader to guide them,” he said. “Their main goal is to free Rahmani from jail. If the legal ways fail, then they are ready to attack jail to free him.”
RAB-1 arrested four ABT members early Friday from different parts of the city, said Assistant Director of RAB-1 Senior ASP Mizanur Rahman. The arrestees were involved in a plot to kill some renowned personalities and online activists.
Arrested ABT militants told Rab that they currently had 92 members who are divided in various cells controlled by a person identifying himself as Aman. “They are campaigning through four-five Facebook pages at Aman’s orders,” the RAB officer said.
These groups mainly monitor online activists. “One of the militants,
Shahriar, joined an atheist group using a fake name. At one stage of monitoring, the militants planned to kill one of the [members of the atheist group] according to ABT’s organisational decision,” RAB said.
Among the arrestees, Shahriar hailing from Dhunat upazila of Bogura studied till class seven from madrasa. He joined ATB after being influenced by Aman through Facebook.
Md Rasel alias Sajedul Islam hailing from Fulgachia of Bhola, passed SSC in 2013 and took a job in a garment factory. He, too, was influenced by Aman on Facebook and joined ATB.