Abrupt showers bring respite

Chittagong Bureau :
The port city and its adjacent areas on Friday experienced light to moderate rainfall bringing a bit respite from the persisting heat.
The rainfall accompanied by lightning and thunder resulting from northwester started in the wee hours of Friday morning and continued till 6 pm.
Met office sources said it has recorded 65.8 millimetre rainfall in last 12 hours ending 3 pm .
The rain, though believed to a blessing by the farmers, may affect some seasonal vegetables and crops especially green chilly and beans.
 Local met office also forecast light to moderate rainfall in Chittagong division in the next 24 hours. Fire Service, Chittagong Metropolitan and district police control room sources said they had not received any information of rain related incidents in the port city and its outskirts. Officials of the Chittagong Port Authority said overall operational activities of the country’s prime seaport remained uninterrupted.
Chittagong Shah Amanat International Airport’s traffic control room sources said the shower did not affect its scheduled flight operation.
The showers made city traffic system partially dysfunctional that mounted the sufferings of commuters and low-income group people.
