About 47 pc graduates are unemployed


Abu Sazzad :About 47 per cent graduates of the country are unemployed and their number of is increasing day by day because the education system is not consistent with the job market.Every year a huge number of graduates come to the job market, but they are not getting appropriate jobs according to merit or staying unemployed, said the DCCI President while addressing a workshop on “Opportunity Out of Crisis” at DCCI conference room, jointly organized by DCCI and LIM (Leadership in International Management), LLC, USA.Quality business leader, skilled manpower and entrepreneurs can contribute a lot to the development of the country’s economy, said Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) President Hossain Khaled on Monday.To restore confidence in the business community, political stability is essential. Exports, financial investment, and company confidence, industrial and farming production were affected due to political turmoil and violence in the last three months, said the DCCI President while addressing a workshop on “Opportunity Out of Crisis” at DCCI conference room, jointly organized by DCCI and LIM (Leadership in International Management), LLC, USA.”It is a high time to address the current crisis of the economy with a special focus on youth employment and entrepreneurship. If we understand that, we have to leverage to promote a spirit of entrepreneurship by facilitating proper knowledge among the huge potential work forces”, said the DCCI President.Bangladesh has enough natural resources but it failed to get its highest output for the lack of proper utilization and skilled manpower, said Erine Turner, President of LIM LLC, USA.LIM LLC is working to create continuity between education and employment. LIM also works to develop the entrepreneurs, identify the missing skill and knowledge in employing and facilitating new modules for focus industry segment, he also said.Addressing the welcome speech, Humayun Rahid, Senior Vice-President of DCCI said, in every year three million job seekers entered the job market. Out of them two millions are getting jobs. He underscored the need for need-based education with a view to resolve the unemployment problem from the country.The workshop was also addressed among others by Ahmed Shaikh Ashif, Country Director, LIM Global USA, Bangladesh; Deb Dutta, Consultant of LIM LLC, Singapore, Prof Dr Mohammad Mohiuddin,Department of Management of Dhaka University. Md. Shoaib Choudhury, Vice-President of DCCI presided.
