About 10,000 UDC entrepreneurs to be made info leaders

UNB, Dhaka :
The government is going to train some 10,000 entrepreneurs of Union Digital Centers (UDCs) in the country’s 64 districts on report and feature writing, outsourcing and e-commerce in a bid to build them as ‘info leaders’.
The training will be provided under a project, ‘Trinomuler Tathyajanala Karmasuchi’, of the ICT division for the skill development of the entrepreneurs to operate mini business outsourcing centres at the UDCs.
State Minister for Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak disclosed it at a Meet-the-Press programme at the auditorium of Bangladesh Computer Council Auditorium in the city.
Trinomuler Tathyajanala and Tathya Seba Barta Sangstha organised the press meet marking the inauguration of a programme to build master trainers who will train the UDC entrepreneurs. The three-year-long project will be implemented spending Tk 6.42 crore.
“The training programme has been arranged to open up a new door for the entrepreneurs to enhance their skills,” Palak added. They will be given outsourcing training so that they can increase their income by working with online market places, he said. Mentioning that some seven lakh people have created their own jobs in the ICT sector, the state minister said the government will increase the number to 20 lakh by 2021.
The main purpose of the programme is to motivate the young generation to become an entrepreneur instead of searching for jobs, Palak said. He also said the government enacted the Right to Information Act (RTI) with a view to empowering the citizens to get any necessary information under the act.
Besides, Trinomuler Tathyajanala Karmasuchi has been playing a vital role in providing people with information as per the Act, Palak said. He also said the government is planning to give some 1,900 journalists IT training at district and upazila levels so that they can increase their income through IT-related works.