Girl violation: Aborted immature embryo exhumed in Chitalmari for DNA test

Bagerhat Correspondent :
A 5 months old embryo of a school girl (of Class-VIII) of Chitalmari Upazila in Bagerhat district was exhumed from the ground in the village Barabak within Shibpur Union Parisahd under the same Upazila on Thursday in order to identify its fatherhood through DNA test, according to a delayed report received here. At that time Md. Maruful Alam, UNO and Executive Magistrate of Chitalmari, on
behalf of Bagerhat District Magistrate, Dr. Mamun Hasn Milon, Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer of Chitalmari, on behalf of the Civil Surgeon of Bagerhat, Mir Maruful Haq, Police Inspector of Chitalmari PS, Wahiduzzaman Kaka Mia, UP Chairman of concerned Shibpur Union Parsahd and some other elites of locality were present.
In this connection a case was lodged with Chitalmari PS on the charge of committing rape on a minor school girl forcibly and aborted her immature embryo. Father of the victim girl told the newsmen, his neibhbours one Sadhan Sarkar and Dipankar Biswas committed rape on her daughter forcibly under threat on several occasion 5/6 months ago. As a result, she became pregnant. On Sunday both Sadhan Sarkar and Dipak Kumar Biswas took her to Gopalganj district town where they forcibly aborted her immature pregnancy and put the embryo into the ground in (near) their house premises. After returning home my daughter fell ill seriously due to excessive bleeding and she was admitted to Chitalmari Upazila Health Complex for treatment. Both the rapists hail for the village Barabak within Shibpur Union (under the same Upazila). They both are married and they are the father of a son each. They are construction labours in profession.
Mir Shariful Haq, Inspector of Chitalmari PS told the newsmen, father of the victim girl already registered a case with the PS in connection with incident and police are trying to arrest the accused persons.
Md. Maruful Alam Milon, UNO of Chitalmari told, the immature embryo of the victim school girl was exhumed from the ground in order to ascertain the fatherhood of the embryo through DNA test. The UNO added, we want the real criminals should be punished.
