Abducted man in Babuganj returns home


Barisal Correspondent :
Abul Kalam Azad, 38, office assistant of Babuganj upazila Shishu Academy, who reported as abducted from road under open day-light by plain-clothed men ride on tinted-glass microbus on Friday morning retuned home on Monday after freed by the alleged abductors.
Police and RAB denied any connection with the alleged abduction and will investigate about the alleged abduction and recovery story, said Shahe Alam, officer in charge of Babuganj police station Lt. Col. Farid Hossain, commanding officer of RAB-8.
Abul Kalam Azad, son of Liakat Ali from Ghataker Char of Babuganj upazila, was freed by the alleged abductors at about 12:30 AM Monday.
The alleged abductors carrying Azad on microbus to Natunhut area of the upazila on Barisal-Dhaka Highway freed tied cloths and ropes from his eyes, hands and legs and returning mobile phone fled from the spot, Shae Alam, Babuganj police station officer in charge said.
Receiving calls from mobile phone, family members rushed to the spot took him home and on Monday morning Azad appearing before the police station gave a statement about his 87-hour captivity without mentioning any cause or information about suspected abductors, the OC Babuganj PS told.
Azad said that except during taking food and using toilet he remained tied during captivity at some unidentified places of Dhaka and some times beaten with threats of killing.
