Abbas to form a single, binational state

LARGELY concealed by the verbal dispute between the US and North Korea, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued an ominous warning in his address to the United Nations as hopes are running out for an independent Palestinian state; the Palestinian leader said he may have no choice but to seek a single, binational state with Israel. Abbas was a mastermind and negotiator of the historic Oslo peace accords of the 1990s, provisional deals that set a five-year goal for the accomplishment of a final agreement. Since then, he has remained a vocal supporter of pursuing a negotiated peace agreement that would create an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. But after nearly a quarter century of failed US led peace efforts, the 82-year-old Abbas addressed the world last Wednesday that time is running out as Israel expands its settlements on occupied lands.
Creation of Israel in 1948 was a result of the Zionist movement followed by waves of immigration to Ottoman and later British Palestine. Their cause was helped in a great deal by the Jewish Holocaust during the Second World War. In 1947, the United Nations adopted a Partition Plan for Palestine recommending the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states and an internationalized Jerusalem.
The plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and rejected by Arab leaders. Next year, the Jewish Agency declared “the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel.” Israel has since fought several wars with neighbouring Arab states, in the course of which it has occupied territories including the West Bank, Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip. The US has been the principal sources of money and guns for the Israel governments over the decades.
Many scholars have identified that the creation of Israel within British Palestine was part of a Zionist master plan of creating a New World Order. Where there would be no religion, no racial superiority, ruled by a single world government. Some even doubt that birth of ISIS is also part of the plan as they siege the same area which is planned by the Zionist to create Greater Israel. Some doubts governments of US and UK are backed by Zionist Bankers and would do whatever they ask them do to.
So hope is very low for the Palestinians for an independent state. However, Netanyahu offered conditional support for Palestinian independence upon taking office in 2009. But since Trump’s election, Netanyahu has stopped talking about a two-state solution.
