Abandoned Haji camp to get new life

Government officials placing sign board of Hajj Camp on March 14 last where HJKP Executive Member Dr. Saleh Ahmed Soleman was present among others for witnessing the renovation works of the camp.
Government officials placing sign board of Hajj Camp on March 14 last where HJKP Executive Member Dr. Saleh Ahmed Soleman was present among others for witnessing the renovation works of the camp.
Sarwaruddin, Chittagong Bureau :
The abandoned Hajj camp of Chittagong is going to get new life following the directives of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on all-out efforts of the Hajj Jhatri Kalyan Parishad.
This was the only hajj camp of the erstwhile Pak regime situated at Pahartali area in Chittagong .
In early regime Hajj pilgrims across the country used this camp before embarkation in Hajj ship for Holy Hajj performance which plied between Chittagong and Jeddah sea ports and vice versa.
 After emergence of Bangladesh, Hajj pilgrims were carried through ships for two terms beside the air lift. After that this camp became abandoned following the stoppage of sending Hajis through ships. Almost from 1976, this sea journey for Hajis from chittagong remain stopped and the camp properties remained without any care being occupied by drug addicts and miscreants for their illegal activities . In the meantime HJKP repeatedly persued the govt to revive the camp for the pilgrims of Chittagong division and to install divisional hajj office with Hajj Training Academy.
HJKP led by Alhaj Ahmedul Islam Chowdhury and Principal Dr.Abdul Karim continuously persued and succeeded in drawing the attention of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who ordered to take necessary action in this regard as to resolve the sufferings of Hajj Pilgrims of this region.
Prime Minister took the matter seriously and in a directives recently asked the concerned authorities to do the needful for the cause of pilgrims of this zone. Mentionable that the innocent and mostly uneducated elderly Hajj pilgrims belong to remote areas had to suffer miseries to reach Dhaka for boarding the Hajj flight. A sources relating Hajj agencies of Chittagong reveals that about 20% pilgrims out of total perform Hajj every year from this region.
It is also to mentioned that a few hajj flights are operated from Chittagong Airport which is very few according to loads of pilgrims and as such the Hajj flights from Chittagong should be increased without any excuse from next season . It was also experienced in last few years that Hajis from Chittagong and adjoining areas had to wait unscheduled period either at airport or in personal arrangements in Chittagong which caused unbearable miseries.
After PM’s recent directives, renovation works of the existing Pahartali Hajj camp now only a matter to be sighted in daylight.