AB Bank gets new chairman

Business Desk :
The Board of AB Bank Limited has appointed Muhammad A. (Rumee) Ali as its Chairman with effect from April 20, 2019, says a press release.
 He is an iconic banker with extensive and wide-ranging experience as CEO, Board Member, and Chairman of several institutions.
He started his career with ANZ Grindlays Bank (Bangladesh) in 1975 after completing his Masters in Economics from Dhaka University. In 1997, he was the first Bangladeshi to be appointed as the CEO of the Bank’s Bangladesh operations. After acquisition of this bank by Standard Chartered Group in 2000, he was selected to be the first CEO of the combined operations of these two banks as Standard Chartered Bank.
In November, 2002 he joined Bangladesh Bank as Deputy Governor and was responsible for driving the regulatory reforms in the country’s banking sector, especially in the Risk Management and Corporate Governance areas. He, very successfully, worked as a central banker for four years.
He has repeatedly proven himself to be an eminently capable leader in a number of high profile executive appointments. Mr. Rumee Ali served as Managing Director, Enterprises & Investments at BRAC. During this period he was Chairman of BRAC Bank Ltd. and founder Chairman of bKashLimited the first mobile financial system in Bangladesh. He has also served as a member of the Board of BRAC and BRAC International.
In the past he served on the boards of Alliance for Bangladesh workers Safety (USA), Global Alliance for Banking on Values and Performance Based Funds Initiative of IFC/World Bank Washington, PKSF, Bangladesh. He was made a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh in 2001.In addition, he has participated in many international fora as key- note speaker and panelist.
Rumee Ali, is also currently the CEO of Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre.
His extensive and varied experience, charismaticleadership style and wide acceptance as a financial industry leader and personality will immensely benefit AB Bank in its journey forward.
