Delhi election 2015: AAP seeks apology for BJP ad

TNN, New Delhi :
BJP on Monday accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of taking offence to ‘everything but their own acts’, after the latter demanded a public apology for an advertisement published by the former.
“The AAP takes offence to everything except their own acts. If they introspect, perhaps they will become a more responsible party,” said BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli.
Meanwhile, BJP leader GVL Narasimha Rao accused AAP of using the issue of caste to gain political support.
“AAP is stooping very low in electoral politics; they are latching on to every effort to drag caste in their electoral calculations,” said Rao.
Earlier, Aam Aadmi Party slammed BJP for its latest ad issued in major papers on Monday morning, the third of the series that started on Friday.
Talking about Arvind Kejriwal threatening to stall Republic Day celebrations last year, BJP said Kejriwal’s gotra or sub caste is ‘updravi’ or anarchist.
Kejriwal said that this was an insult to the entire Agarwal community to which he belongs.
“I did not do anything when BJP brought my children into political discourse, I did not react to Monday’s ad even though BJP has stooped to making personal remarks, but today’s advertisement insults an entire community of people,” he said.
The party has threatened to complain to the Election Commission and asked BJP to apologize.
Sources said that AAP supporters are planning protests against BJP, but AAP was unable to confirm these reports.