Aamer not fast-tracked : Pakistan cricket chief


AFP, Karachi :
Pakistan’s cricket chief Saturday denied that Mohammad Aamer is being fast-tracked back into international cricket after a five-year ban, saying he will be monitored “on and off the field” before his re-entry.
The 22-year-old was on Thursday cleared to play in the domestic cricket by the sport’s top governing body, bringing him a step closer to redemption for his part in one of the most scandalous episodes in modern cricket.
Aamer was one of three Pakistani players banned from the game for at least five years for arranging no-balls to order in a Test against England at Lord’s in 2010.
He was also jailed in Britain in 2011, along with former capital Salman Butt and Mohammad Asif.
Aamer’s ban was due to expire on September 2, but the International Cricket Council used discretionary powers to allow him to return to domestic cricket early.
Pakistan Cricket Board chairman Shaharyar Khan denied that Aamer was going to be rushed back into international cricket, saying that he will have to “earn his place in the Pakistan team”.
“Some people believe that we have fast-tracked his return,” he told AFP.
“In the period before his ban expires-and even after that-Aamer will be constantly monitored on and off the field… He has to satisfy the PCB and the ACSU (the ICC’s Anti-Corruption and Security Unit) before getting into international cricket.”
