A well-organised party great strength for govt: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Friday said a government having a well-organised party behind it can develop a country fast. “A government can work successfully when there’ll be a well-organised party behind it…a well-organised party is a great strength for a government…this strength works most in developing a country, and I feel that,” she said.
The Prime Minister made the remarks in her introductory speech at the first joint meeting of the newly-formed Awami League Central Working Committee and Advisory Council at its Bangabandhu Avenue central office.
Sheikh Hasina dedicated this first meeting to late AL general secretary Syed Ashraful Islam as today is his first death anniversary.
On January 3, 2019, Syed Ashraf, also the then Public Administration Minister, died at the age of 68 while undergoing treatment at a hospital in Bangkok. He had been suffering from lung cancer.
Hasina said, she always put highest importance to her party and instructed that different district, upazila, union and ward-level AL units which are yet to hold their councils have to do that quickly for having a stronger party across the country. “We’ve to build the entire party in a stronger way.”
She also put emphasis on holding the councils of various associate organisations of Awami League.
Sheikh Hasina, also the AL chief, said those who came to power after the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975 never believed in the liberation of the country. “That’s why they had tried hard to make the country a failed state and that was their main intention.”
On the contrary, she said, the aim of Awami League is to prove meaningful the country’s hard-earned independence that comes after the struggle of 24 years under the leadership of Bangabandhu and that must not go in vain.
Hasina also said the killing of Bangabandhu along other AL leaders was to keep AL away from power. “They had wanted to make it sure that AL can never come to power.”
Terming 2020 a very important year for Bangladesh, the Prime Minister said this year the country will celebrate ‘Mujib Borsho’.
“With a new spirit, we’ll make the independence that was given by the Father of the Nation more meaningful, we’ll make Bangladesh a developed country so that people can roam around the world keeping their heads high, and that’s our promise,” she said.
Briefly describing conspiracies and propaganda against Awami League after 1975, the Prime Minister said the conspirators had often said that AL leaders are not smart, modern and educated ones.