A total of 22 workless families of Bede Polli, residing on the country boats on Dhonagoda River beside Sree Rayerchar bridge area under Matlab Uttar Upazila, receive relief goods from UNO Gazi Shariful Hasan as gifts of the PM Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday. The relief goods included rice, pulse, edible oil, onion, salt, sugar, potatoes and powder milk.

A total of 22 workless families of Bede Polli, residing on the country boats on Dhonagoda River beside Sree Rayerchar bridge area under Matlab Uttar Upazila, receive relief goods from UNO Gazi Shariful Hasan as gifts of the PM Sheikh Hasina on We
A total of 22 workless families of Bede Polli, residing on the country boats on Dhonagoda River beside Sree Rayerchar bridge area under Matlab Uttar Upazila, receive relief goods from UNO Gazi Shariful Hasan as gifts of the PM Sheikh Hasina on We

