A seminar on ” Hillslide Management & Our Responsibility” was arranged jointly by Caritas Chittagong Region and Peoples Voice under the banner of Save the Enviroment held at chittagong Press club auditorium on Wednesday evening . The seminar blamed that beside the influentials quarters, city watchdogs- Chittagong Development Auhority , City corporation and CWASA are also cutting the hills indiscriminately in the city areas. The seminar was told that CDA cutting hills to implement the Baizid ring road, city corporation doing the same jobs for development of two residential areas and CWASA cutting hills for constructing the water reservoir in Baizid area. Chairman of Paribesh Andolan Abu Naser Khan conducted the seminar, sources said.

A seminar on " Hillslide Management & Our Responsibility"" was arranged jointly by Caritas Chittagong Region and Peoples Voice under the banner of Save the Enviroment held at chittagong Press club auditorium on Wednesday evening . The seminar blamed that"
A seminar on " Hillslide Management & Our Responsibility"" was arranged jointly by Caritas Chittagong Region and Peoples Voice under the banner of Save the Enviroment held at chittagong Press club auditorium on Wednesday evening . The seminar blamed that"