Fethullah Gulen: A rare look at polarizing Turkish exile

A nondescript driveway with a guard gate off a rural Pennsylvania one-lane road. Tucked away in the Poconos lies the compound where Fethullah Gulen, a moderate Turkish Muslim cleric, has been in self-imposed exile from his country since 1999. For years, journalists have tried to get in, but very few have succeeded.
This time, reporters have gathered to cover a protest on the road in front of the compound after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan publicly accused Gulen of organizing a failed coup from nearly halfway around the world. Gulen rarely emerges, we’re told, and only for medical appointments. But as the protests wound down outside the complex, his guards emerged, inviting media here to enter for a tour. Beyond the gates is a sprawling complex. Several buildings, a garden, a pond. The grounds are quiet, and few people are here.  
Journalists are shown around and allowed to take pictures, then taken to a small building with a table and chairs and air conditioning. We’re brought coffee and water, and told that if we wait, we might get to talk to Gulen’s press aid, and possibly Gulen himself. We’re told he’s in poor health, and needs to rest, but if we wait, he may talk about the accusations made against him. Erdogan and Gulen are former allies whose relationship fell into a bitter feud in 2013. Erdogan supporters outside Gulen’s Pennsylvania home called him inflammatory names. Gulen’s supporters accused Erdogan of scapegoating Gulen after the failed coup in an attempt to grab more power.
The former president of Gulen’s mosque, Bekir Aksoy, says Gulen, in his late 70s, barely ever leaves his room.
“This was the exception,” he says, because of the seriousness of the accusations Erdogan made against him on worldwide television.