A power record again


bdnews24.com :
Bangladesh has attained record power output of 7,032 megawatts for the National Grid.
Power Development Board spokesperson Saiful Alam Chowdhury on Thursday told bdnews24.com that the country has crossed the 7,000 MW mark for the first time.
He said 7,032 MW electricity was fed into grid around 7:30pm, which is the highest ever.
Earlier, 6,970 MW was fed on Tuesday and 6,884 MW on Mar 18.
However, the total amount of power added in the National Grid on Thursday included the 500 MW imported from India.
A PDB official said the specific amount of imported power would be known on Friday.
Before importing from India begun, the highest amount of electricity fed into the National Grid was 6,675 MW in July last year.
After the Awami League-led Grand Alliance government took office in 2009, it prioritised power generation and took many steps to boost output.
Fifty-eight power plants were set up in the country in between 2009 and 2013 with a total capacity to generate 4,483 MW.
Another 31 power plants with capacity to generate 6,000 megawatts are under construction.
The government is also planning to build 25 more plants with a capacity to generate at least 6,100 MW.
Import of 500 MW power from India had also begun from November last year.
The Awami League-led government is determined to turn Bangladesh into a developed country by 2041. To achieve the goal, it has decided to increase the power generation capacity to 34,000 megawatts by 2030 under a master plan.
Currently, Bangladesh’s total power generation capacity is 10,289 MW, including imports.
