Question leak thru facebook: A plot to embarrass Govt: Nahid

UNB, Dhaka :
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid on Wednesday told parliament that the motive behind leaking the question papers of public examination through facebook was to embarrass the government.
“Question papers were also leaked in the past with a motive of making quick buck. But now it was intended to embarrass the government and make the ministry and education boards controversial,” he said.
“It’s quite untrue that the minister or the ministry didn’t admit the allegation of question paper leakage,” said Nahid replying to a supplementary question from independent member Tahjeeb Alam Siddique (Jhenidah-2).
He said the trend of leaking question papers stopped after the Awami League government returned to power in 2009. But the question paper of English 2nd paper of HSC examination was leaked last year for the first time.
After detecting the incident, Nahid said, the ministry instantly postponed the HSC examination of English 2nd paper and made changes in a set of two question papers of the examination.
He further said the ministry detected the incident first and disclosed it. The ministry also formed an investigation committee incorporating three ministries to unearth the incident, he added.
Responding to a starred question from AL MP Shubid Ali Bhuiyan (Comilla-1), the Education Minister said the government is working to prepare a policy on the non-government educational institutions under the monthly payment order (MPO) list.
There are 3958 non-MPO educational institutions with 55,340 teachers and 12,13,543 students, said Nahid, replying to a scripted question from another AL MP Israfil Alam (Naogaon-6).