A new showroom of Brothers’ Furniture was inaugurated at Amirabad Main Road, Munshibari in Madaripur recently. Head of marketing and sales of Brother’s Furniture Monirul Islam Bokshi, Assistant Manager Md. Nazrul Islam, associate of the Company Md Sohel and senior officials were present. The customers will get 5-15pc cash discount .This offer will be continued till July 30.

A new showroom of Brothers' Furniture was inaugurated at Amirabad Main Road, Munshibari in Madaripur recently. Head of marketing and sales of Brother's Furniture Monirul Islam Bokshi, Assistant Manager Md. Nazrul Islam, associate of the Company Md Soh
A new showroom of Brothers' Furniture was inaugurated at Amirabad Main Road, Munshibari in Madaripur recently. Head of marketing and sales of Brother's Furniture Monirul Islam Bokshi, Assistant Manager Md. Nazrul Islam, associate of the Company Md Soh

