A meaningful state-society interaction is much needed now


Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque :
Violence has an adverse effect on society and economy. It is thus aggravating crisis situation. The propensity to political crisis is inherent in domineering role of the ruling alliance and vandalism of the opposing forces constituting 20-party alliance. Crisis acquires a pervasive character of instability, disequilibrium, conflict and confrontation. Crisis tantamount to the worsening conditions of the country prevailing in political landscape. Crisis syndrome, violence and terrorism interact with each other in a country going through the sinister days of violent confrontation.
In contemporary Bangladesh politics inherent contradictions in role relationship and governance shortage provide sufficient ground for societal degeneration in absolute terms that jeopardizes human rights – all to the disenchantment of the vast body of commoners.
In view of extremely complicated nature of man-made crises resulting in malfunctioning of political system it is not easy to go deepest into pathological situation – we mean political violence. It presupposes the gravity of the crisis situation revealing disruptive tendencies in the movement of the 20-party alliance.
The seemingly cynical and pessimistic view of the ruling alliance and 20 party alliance interactions hold true of developing countries in general and Bangladesh in particular. In terms of such interaction state plays the dominant role in taming any opposition with the help of security forces.
 A meaningful state-society interaction is woefully missing. Only social action can minimize tension stemming from political violence. The consequence is likely to be the generation of catastrophic conditions as well as humanitarian crisis. We very much feel the dire consequence.
A gruesome picture of contemporary Bangladesh is straight forward. This is truly demoralizing. Political violence has permeated the whole community since 2013. About 40 have been found dead in 2015 as political violence escalates. Many of the casualties have been caused by arson attacks on buses, and more than 7,000 people have been detained.
The residue number was victim of excess use of force by the state apparitions. In fact, politics has been submerged under the whirlpool of violence. This anti-developmental otherwise dysfunctional variable with the manifestations of violence throwing cocktail, petrol bomb, torching vehicles created a conditions of insecurity.
Now what we need to overcome political violence is to catalyse social action. Various social forces should rise to the occasion to condemn any acts of the government and violent protestors going against human rights.
The pedestrians and long route bus passengers mostly the poor belonging to working class coming to and fro on urgent errand are becoming victims of violence like throwing pertrol bomb.
Nobody knows who are doing it from behind the scene. Economy is adversely affected, Tourism as industry is hard hit. That means we are heading towards a dead end. One the one hand there is a conspiracy to make the country a failed state. On the other no visible state action is foud to save the country from the onslaught of political violence. Perhaps the situation may help the militants to attack from hides. Both the government and the oppostion forces should address the insurmountable crisis with the sense of patriotism. The people cannot expect them to do so.
Only the real patriotic forces and humanists can help the masses not to drain the cup of misery to dreg. Human rights commissions seem appearing at the scenario giving a clarion call to stop any inhuman activities.
We should think we fought liberation war with the enthusiastic popular participation. The enthusiastic participation of the youngsters and working class of peasants and urban workers during liberation war, 1971 is admittedly great. Imbued with the spirit of Bengali nationalism social forces fought liberation against Pakistani occupation forces and their local quislings. The action of social media is visible. Yet the people expect more from social media. Only we watch talk circus in electronic media.
We have civil societies. But they are divided social forces. All civil societies and citizen group’ should stand thick and thick irrespective political affiliation to save the innocent masses from killing by bomb attack.
They may well make opposition forces steer the anti-government movement in a proper manner full of political characters and suggest the ruling alliance to show tolerance and come in terms with the aggrieved. Bangladesh Sammilito Peshajibi Parishad – a platform of professionals – has urged for a meaningful dialogue to resolve the ongoing political crisis that will pave the way for holding an acceptable and inclusive election. They also promised to continue their movement until their demand (of holding dialogue) is met.
Their observations came at a press briefing at the conference lounge of the National Press Club.
Social forces seem slippy devoid of any conspicuous action. Disapponting is the fact that they do not sufficiently organize and conscientize the citizens against untoward incidents bedeviling the lives of the city dwellers and small traders and transport workers.
Transport workers starve pssing lazy time. However many have been seen organize social functions like marriages and seminars. At this critical moment it is not proper to make any festivals for rejoicing. This is simply funny and irrational action under the circumstances. Any wedding and other ceremononies at the evening is rather risky for those invited.
Only state security forces are not expected to tame violence. Voluntary policing and securty forces may come forward to guard vital city points and roads and highways.
 The owners, drivers and helpers of buses plying in the road may share views about their own safety. Better think of special arrangement of safety during the evening for running the vehicles. They can well do it with the help of local influential and stakeholders. The shop keepers and hawkers sitting on the footpaths get to be alert against any destructive activities.
The crux of the crisis lies in social and political divides. This state of affairs cannot generate patrioticism. For this reason politics is far away from the masses. No division. We proclaim unity among the social forces against unhealthy political culture.
Only symbolic protest and human chains are nor enough. Tangible actions of the united social forces are the need of the hour. They can organize movement against anti-democratic politics and political violence leading the country onto rack and ruin. Let us fight against the evil forces with the spirit of liberation war.
The active role of social media juxtaposed in face books cannot be left out of eqation. If it can help build public opinion against oppressive regime to bring about spring revolution in Middle East it can take be of great help in awareness building against heinous acts. The social media only can organize action in collaboration with social forces especially the youths.

(Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque, professor, department of Public administration, Chittagong University)
