A government of people can’t accept abduction and extra-judicial killings


NEWS media reported that ruling Awami League leader of Cumilla Parvez Hossain Sarker was released by the abductors after nine hours of his abduction. The victim said abductors were equipped with firearms, walkie-talkie sets and vehicles– apparently looked like the law enforcers. Recently, some personnel of the law enforcement agencies have earned bad name for crimes, especially abduction. In fact, the spree of abduction has been continuing for past several years and in most cases, the victim accused law enforcers’ involvement, though the law enforcers denied their involvement. Enforced disappearance and killing after abduction have become usual as everyone knows who are behind these acts. Several hundred opposition political activists were victims of enforced disappearance; some though have returned, kept their lips tight. Many are still untraced. The unaccountability of law enforcers, and getting opportunity for handing absolute power have created the situation that is now making ruling party men victims.
As per victim Parvez, the abductors threatened him with death in “crossfire” and forced to sign two sets of blank papers and stamp papers each. He said a youth intercepted him and shook his hands when he was returning home after Jumma prayers. Suddenly, another person grabbed him from behind and they forced Parvez to get into a black car. As he refused to board the car, one of abductors hit him on the head with a pistol-butt. They handcuffed him and applied chloroform to make him senseless. Then they took away his cell phone, blindfolded and put a black cloth on his face. Parvez claimed the abductors said they were letting him go alive because they were also “Awami League men.”
All the symptoms of the abduction and release afterwards indicate that ruling party men are either running parallel administration or the law enforcers have become totally criminalised. The government seems indifferent to what hardship or misery suffered by the people. The government is too anxious to tell us how much money being spent on mega projects for the profit making business of their party men. The government is more interested in money-making projects than doing pro-people activities.
