A gesture of humanity

Staff Reporter :
Syed SA. Rashed, a freelance social worker (Inset) and a philanthropist has been working for Rohingyas at the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar since September last year.
 His aim is to help under-five Rohingya refugee children and their mothers by providing them food, cloth, medicine and other necessary things. He, at the same time, extends his hand for their basic education too.
For this purpose, he visited the refugee camps for five times last year along with a huge quantity of relief goods. Recently, he has started working for ecological and environmental improvement of the area where the Rohingya influx has destroyed vast forest.
There is no new plantation though thousands of trees were cut down to make accommodation for the Rohingya refugees. He thinks, it will invite a serious problem for the future generation.
To discourage cutting of trees, he purposely took compact rice husk fuel which is called Bandook fuel from Tangail to Thayangkhali and distributed it among 600 refugee families.
He also took initiatives to set up solar panel so that the Rohingya families can have some light for a few hours after evening. For this, he got cooperation from Rahim Afroz Renewable Energy Limited.
Besides, all arrangements were made with the support of 10 Division of Bangladesh Army at Ramu Cantonment, according to a press release.