98th birthday of Bangabandhu celebrated abroad


Bangladesh missions and Awami League units aboard celebrated the 98th birthday of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Children’s Day-2017 in a befitting manner on Friday.
Elaborate programmes drew up to celebrate the birthday of the architect of independent Bangladesh and the greatest Bengali of all times who was born at Tungipara in Gopalganj on March 17, 1920, said releases.
Bangladesh High Commission in London arranged a special discussion which was joined by visiting Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor as chief guest.
High Commissioner Md Nazmul Quaunine began the day’s programme by placing wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu while meessages of President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali were read out.
“Undisputed leader of Bengali nation, Bangabandhu loved children a lot,” Noor said adding “We have to instill ideology of Bangabandhu into the children through the observance of his birthday”.
Speaking as main discussant, Journalist and Columnist Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury said though Bangabandhu was assassinated, none could kill his ideology.
A large number of Bangladeshi expatriate in UK, cultural personalities and officials and employees of the embassy joined the programmes while a cake was cut to mark the day.
A documentary on Bangabandhu’s life was showed in the function.
High Commission in New Delhi also arranged different programmes including discussion, drawing competition of children and juvenile, essay writing competition on “Bangabandhu’s life and works”, recitation of poems and storytelling.
Messages of President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were read out in the programmes.
High Commissioner to India Syed Muazzem Ali, in his welcome address, said the Bengali nation will remember the contribution of Bangabandhu to the country as long as the nation exists as “we attained an independent Bangladesh because of him”.
