9,822 pass 34th BCS exam


UNB, Dhaka :A total of 9,822 candidates have passed the written test of the 34th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS). According to a notification issued by the Public Service Commission (PSC) posted on its website on Thursday, some 5,922 candidates have qualified in general cadre, while the rest in technical and professional cadres.The viva voce of the qualified candidates will begin either on January 26, 2015 or on a date close to it. The result is available on the Commission’s website www.bpsc.gov.bd.On July 8, the PSC announced the results of the 34th BCS preliminary examination for the first time where a total of 12,033 candidates came out successful.Facing mass protests by the applicants, the PSC published revised results, where 46,250 candidates qualified. But, 280 indigenous candidates were excluded from the revised results. Later, 49 of them filed a writ petition with the High Court.Following the petition, the High Court on February 11 directed the PSC to publish the results, including the 280 indigenous candidates.The PSC also announced the results of the 34th BCS preliminary examination for the third time, including 280 indigenous candidates.On February 7, 2013, the PSC announced a circular of the 34th BCS to appoint 2,052 cadres. The BCS preliminary test was held on May 24, 2013 where about 1,96,000 candidates took part.
