95 local arms recovered from AL leader’s house


Police have recovered a huge cache of local handmade spear-like sharp weapons from the house of an Awami League (AL) leader in Pabna’s Faridpur upazila.
On a secret tip-off, police raided the house of Helal Talukder, former legal affairs secretary of upazila AL on Monday afternoon.
During the raid 95 local weapons made with steel pipes were recovered from his Ratanpur village house in Pungali Union of the upazila.
However, police could not arrest Helal and his companions as they managed to escape.
Faridpur Police officer-in-charge (OC) Masud Rana said a team of police raided the house on the basis of information that Helal had a large quantity of weapons in his house.
Sensing the presence of police, Helal Talukder and his associates fled by boat, he added
A case was being filed in this regard and police were running operations to arrest them, OC Masud further said.
Faridpur AL general secretary Ali Ashraful Kabir said, “Helal Talukder is the former legal affairs secretary of Upazila Awami League. I have heard about the recovery of weapons from his house.”
A decision about him will be taken after discussing it at the party meeting, he said.
