90pc city people hit by air pollution

Staff Reporter :
Speakers at a human chain programme on Saturday said that about 90 percent residents of Dhaka city are affected due to severe air pollution in the capital.
They also expressed grave concern over air pollution in Dhaka for increase by a significant extent and called upon the authorities to stop the spate for the sound health of the city dwellers.
Environmental organisation Paribesh Bachao Andolon (Paba) and citizens’ rights organisation Nagorik Odhikar Sangrakkhan Forum (Nasaf) jointly organised the event in front of the Department of Fine Arts of Dhaka University in the capital’s Shahbagh area ataround 10:30am.
“Around 90 per cent city dwellers are being affected by the dust pollution while around 40 per cent of patients were admitted to different hospitals with respiratory diseases,” Paba said in a statement.
The air across the capital is getting polluted alarmingly in the dry season, while the repair works of different utility services and construction works of the metro rail project are also causing pollution, plunging the overall situation into a dire state, speakers at the human chain said.
Alongside sufferings of the people, huge financial loss and environmental harm are taking place due to the dust pollution, they said.
The environment activists also underscored an effective and collective move to stop air pollution in the city for the sake of its residents.
They also underlined a 12-point recommendation including immediate removal of the construction materials and excavated soil from the roadside soon after the construction or repair works of the roads.