90-year-old Indian gets Ph.D degree

India Today :
Ninety-year-old Paul Siromoni from Chennai recently earned his PhD and proved that no-one is ever too old to go back to school.
Siromoni started working on his thesis after his retirement and was awarded his doctorate after a three-year period, last week. The topic of his research was ‘God’s call to the church to join in transforming the world into a kingdom of love’. Siromoni mentions he had a lot of time to complete his theses after his retirement. He had to write six papers, attend several seminars and give three long exams.
Dr Paul Siromoni was initially the General Secretary of the YMCA and later joined St. Mark’s Cathedral as the Head of the Industrial Team Service. He is also one of the founding members of the Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science. He catered to the productivity and process industry which made him realise that people are generally known by their role. Some of them are seen as supervisors, some as managers and some as executives, while others were seen as students, patients or clients. He noticed that people failed to see each other as human beings. After working with a number of large, small and public sector industries, he realised that the industries have a problem. Dr Siromoni saw that a large number of people were suffering from stress and depression. That is when he decided on establishing the Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science (ISABS) and conducting human process conventions to teach people discipline and the ability of working together with harmony. “ISABS is a value based institution dedicated to the dignity and autonomy of human beings as individuals in groups, organisations and society at large.