9 more die at RMCH coronavirus unit


Our Correspondent :
Nine more persons died at the coronavirus unit of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital over 24 hours till 9am today, raising the district’s Covid-19 and suspected death toll to 77 in last 11 days.
It means at least seven people, on average, died in a day in the district quoting the hospital’s deputy director Saiful Ferdous.
Among the dead in 24 hours till this morning, five were from Chapainawab-ganj, two from Rajshahi and one each from Naogaon and Pabna. All of them were Covid-19 positive.
Among 77 people who died in last 11 days, 46 were Covid-19 positive while the rest were suspected cases.
The dead were from Rajshahi, Chapainawabganj, Naogaon, Natore and Pabna.
The number of deaths rose sharply one week after Eid-ul Fitr.
On May 24, ten people died while four died each day from May 25 to 27, nine died on May 28, the daily highest 12 on May 30, four on May 31, seven each on June 1 and June 2.
The hospital has been treating at least 224 Covid-19 patients at six wards of its coronavirus unit and the number is the highest since the virus broke out in the country in March last year.
As the number of infected people continues to rise, the hospital has been preparing to add another ward of 29 beds to its coronavirus unit in a day or two, the hospital official said.
Meanwhile, the coronavirus detection rate remained high as well. Two RT PCR laboratories in Rajshahi have examined the highest number of samples from 556 people of Rajshahi and Chapainawabganj in 24 hours till Wednesday.
At least 183 of them were found positive for the infection turning the detection rate a little below 33 percent.
In Rajshahi, the positivity rate was 27.31 percent while it was 47.13 percent with samples from Chapainawabganj district.
