Social safety-net programme: 9.01 lakh people getting benefits in Rajshahi

BSS, Rajshahi :
Over 9.01 lakh people including widows, elderly people and the people with differently able are getting benefits from social safety-net programme in all eight districts under Rajshahi division.
Department of Social Services (DSS) disbursed Taka 63.30 crore among 18,469 freedom fighters, 5,30,232 old age people, 2,15,57 widows and other women repressed by husband, 1,33,503 distressed people with disabilities, 556 transgender and 3,139 dalit, horizon and bede (mobile population) population for their rehabilitation in last 2018-19 fiscal.
Shahidul Islam Khan, Divisional Director of DSS, said the beneficiaries are getting their allowances timely through their own bank accounts. The present government has taken many steps including old-age-allowances for the welfare of poor people to lower poverty level in the country, he added.
Department of Women Affairs disbursed Taka 335.43 crore among 1.77 lakh beneficiaries under the distressed women development programme while Taka 4.56 crore among 3,745 beneficiaries under the microcredit programme for women employment in last two years.
Commissioner of Rajshahi division Nur-Ur-Rahman said more than 3.36 lakh beneficiaries were given food grains worth Taka 53.03 crore, Taka 3.01 crore in cash and 2,467 metric tons of rice under various social safety-net programmes like employment for extreme poor people, food for works and test relief.
He also said around 10 lakh beneficiaries were given 19,796.02 metric tons of rice under vulnerable group feeding programme while 29,632 people get 741.48 metric tons of rice and Taka 25 lakh in cash under grant relief programme.
“We have rehabilitated 4,731 beggars of total 29,038 in the division and around Taka 3.12 crore remain deposited in bank account for the beggar rehabilitation purposes,” Rahmad added. Naogaon and Pabna districts got Taka 55 lakh and 15 lakh from the Prime Minister’s office respectively for the work.
Mominul Islam, 32, a physically challenged person, is making significant contribution to his family through operating a grocery shop.
A resident of Bongram Chalkpara area in Rajshahi city, Mominul started his small-scale business after getting a wheelchair along with an interest-free loan worth Taka 20,000 from Department of Social Services around four to five years back.
He said, “I am no longer burden of my family right now, rather I am helping my family. I have become self-reliant through social safety-net programme”
He gets allowance Taka 700 per month for his disability. Earning from the shop and the monthly allowance boosted up his level of confidence to a larger scale. “Now, I don’t think I’m a physically disabled person,” he said.
Rifa Tasfia Tahsin, a student of class eight of Arani Government Monomohini High School under Bagha Upazila, said, “If the government would not give allowance to me, my academic life would become uncertain.”
Many students would not be able to continue their studies, if they were not getting allowance under social safety-net programme, said Sanjay Kumar Das, head teacher of the school.