878 more RCC employees get blankets

National Desk :
A total of 878 more employees of Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) were given blankets and soap to make sure their health protected from the adverse impact of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic situation amidst the present cold weather.
RCC administration distributed the health protective materials among the less-income employees of health, security, environment and conservancy sections at a function held at the city bhaban green plaza this afternoon saying the support will also be continuing in the days to come, reports BSS.
City Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton accompanied by his office colleagues like Ward Councilors, Chief Executive Officer Dr Sharif Uddin and Chief Conservancy Officer Sheikh Mamun distributed the support.
Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Liton said the city corporation at present has been working relentlessly for making the city modern coupled with green and eco-friendly through adopting need-based projects.