87 industries warned to improve eco-friendly environ in Khulna

BSS, Khulna :
In a bid to ensure eco-friendly atmosphere, the local Department of Environment (DoE) has given notices to 87 industries in the last two months to improve their processing system otherwise they may face closure.
“We have already warned 87 industries and are keeping a strong vigil on others to keep up eco-friendly atmosphere in this Division’s industrial area,” Director of DoE of Khulna Md. Habibul Haque Khan told BSS on Thursday.
He said, “DoE has already stopped giving environmental clearance
certificate to the industrial polluters and have suggested concerned
authorities to take legal actions against industrial units operated without environmental clearance.”
The local DoE has geared up its initiatives from last year to improve the industrial atmosphere in the division where over one thousand of medium and large industries are being run, directly having impact on environment.
The industries include 36 large shrimp and fish processing factories, 10 state-run and 23 private jute mills, 10 cement factories, 116 feed mills, 5 large petroleum gas (LPG) factories, 6 pharmaceuticals, 7 iodized salt factories and 12 plywood factories.
The officials of the Khulna DoE, however, expressed their satisfaction with the overall situation in this south-western division’s industrial zone.
A recent report of local DoE laboratory on overall situation in different industries here has found the sound quality of 340 industries and air quality of 74 industries eco-friendly.
“We are making efforts to keep up eco-friendly atmosphere in industrial area as the move for setting up new industrial units here has enhanced development activities,” Habibul Haque said.
The DoE has classified the industrial unit into three categories namely green, orange and red in the area. Of them, green category is eco-friendly and most of the industries identified as orange category will be able to become eco-friendly if speedy efforts are taken.
Terming that red category industries are harmful for environment, Director of Khulna DoE said, joint efforts of DoE and other public administration concerned would change the overall situation in industrial zone.
Punitive action should be taken against red categories industries, if the industry owner did not pay heed the call for turning their unit into green categories, he said.