Road accident on highways: 863 cases filed with Katakhali PS in 11 months

Bagerhat Correspondent :
As many as 863 cases were lodged with Katakhali Highway PS under Fakirhat Upazila in Bagerhat district mainly under Motor Vehicle Act in the last 11 months during the period from January 17 to November 17, 2017.
 During the period some 19 persons were arrested by the Highway police. Those cases were recorded from the different roads and highways of the district. It is reported that the Highway PS has been petrolling the roads of Bagerhat district mainly Rupsa- Pirojpur via Bagerhat Highway (up to Mahispura), Dhaka-Khulna Highway (up to Mollahat Madhuimati bridge), Khulna-Mongla Highway etc for the last few year. The PS mainly checks up the relevant papers and the fitness of the vehicles and controls the speed of the vehicles regularly.
 Besides, the PS also checks the drugs. The highway PS consists of 7 officers and 44 staff. But the PS has only one vehicle. It is very difficult on the part of the PS to control all the roads and highways of the district with the help of only one vehicle. In spit of that the police of the PS lodged a good number of cases with the PS during the last 11 months. Police of Katakhali Highway PS disclosed, cases were lodged with the PS against 617 motor vehicles for their defectiveness, 205 motor vehicles were seized for moving at full (top) speed and cases were filed against them while the23 motor vehicles were seized for their unfitness during the period from January to November (2017) and those vehicles were later released after disposing of the cases (lodged against them) during the period.
During the last 11 months a sum of Tk.45 thousand was realized as fine from the different motor vehicles and 93 motor vehicles were seized through mobile courts. 26 more motor vehicles were also seized on other charges. On the other hand, 267 three wheelers were also seized. After atleast15 days 63 wheelers were released after realizing bonds from the concerned persons. In many cases the police cannot reach the place of accident in time due to only once vehicle of the Highway PS. In some cases the vehicles commit the accidents manage to escape the place of occurrence before the police reach there and similarly the injured persons also manage to leave the place before the arrival of the police for want of only one vehicle. In spite of that the highway police registered 8 road accident cases taken places on the different roads of the district and arrested 8 persons during the 11 months. KM. Azizul Islam, Officer-in-charge of Katalhali Highway PS told, police of the PS control the vehicles on the highways of the district and side by sided they also control the drugs on the highway. During the last 11 months highway police arrested 11 persons along with drugs and handed over them to the Police Stations and registered 10 cases with the same under Narcotics Act.