85 water purifier filters distributed for remote areas

Chittagong Bureau :
The management of the Hotel Radison Blu Chittagong Bayview , Chittagong handed over 85 water purifier filters to Red Crescent Society for distribution in the remote areas of Chittagong as the people of the remote areas those are facing for pure drinking water due to recent devastating floods across the country.
 This programme was chalked out as a part of their monthly Business Responsibility Programs of the Hotel at hotel lobby yesterday.
 General Manager of the Hotel Edward Robin graced the occasion as Chief Guest presided by Manager(HR) Monoar Hossain.
Assistant Director (Sales Marketing) Farhanul Kabir Chowdhury also address the distribution function.
A replica of the water preservation from rain water and pond water was also displayed in the hotel lobby. Senior officers of the Hotel and Red Crescent Society were present on the occasion.