83 pc people against legalising casinos

UNB, Dhaka :
Around 83 percent people of the country oppose the idea of legalising casinos in the country, according to a survey report revealed on Sunday.
The report was revealed by Research International, an independent research and communication strategy development related organisation, at a press conference held at Sagar-Runi Auditorium at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU).
Researcher and Professor Dr Abul Hasnat Milton revealed the report based on survey conducted countrywide. Co-researchers Kazi Ahmed Parvez, adjunct faculty of BUP and BAUST, and Mosharraf Hossain, development research specialist answered the questions of the attending journalists regarding the survey at the seminar.
A total of 1,760 people participated in the survey conducted via mobile phone-call, from September 28 to October 3, they said.
Among the participants, 97 percent supported the ongoing crackdown on casinos and 83 percent spoke against legalising casinos through giving licenses in Bangladesh- as casino and the involvement of people in it is strongly prohibited in Islam, they said.
Among the respondents, 58 percent believe ruling party politicians of different
periods had been directly involved in casino businesses while 32 percent think that the involvement had been indirect or partial.
The report also mentions that 88 percent people believe the ongoing crackdown on illegal casinos will enhance the image of the ruling Awami League.