817,000 Rohingyas in Bangladesh: IOM

BSS, Cox’s Bazar :
A total of 817,000 Rohingya people are now living in Cox’s Bazar, the southernmost district of Bangladesh, an IOM release said.
“Since 25 August, some 604,000 people have crossed the border, having fled violence in Myanmar. This is in addition to the over 200,000 people who had sought safety in Cox’s Bazar following previous outbreaks of violence. The majority of new arrivals live in crowded makeshift settlements, with only 46,000 people living among the host community,” it added. IOM, the UN Migration Agency, has been meeting with male and female community leaders in the rapidly growing Kutupalong settlement to assess how best to address residents’ needs and ensure that they know where they can provide feedback and complaints, and who they can come to if they need to report gender-based violence. Following this meeting, the communities in Kutupalong are now more engaged in the tracking of new arrivals to the settlement. Community meetings will now be held regularly