Scenario in disaster-hit edn institutions: 80 pc have no alternative to continue classes

M M Jasim :
The academic activities of the educational institutions in the disastrous area are tremendously hampered during the natural catastrophe as at least 95 percent institutions have no alternative way to continue classes at that time, said Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) sources.
About 80 percent institutions have no capability to face the disaster, while 85 percent institutions do not have adequate fund to recover the losses, the sources said.
The BANBEIS and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) jointly conducted a statistics on educational institutions situated in the disastrous area and unveiled it recently.
The continuous disaster due to the climate change partially ruins the educational institutions and after the disastrous 47 percent classrooms become useless.
The survey finds that most of the institutions are not pucca. The infrastructure is fragile.
The educational institutions located in the most disastrous area are used as shelters during the calamities and infrastructure becomes vulnerable.
 “The roads which are used to go to the schools are shattered badly and at least 80 percent of the roads become unfit to traffic after every disaster. As a result, the students cannot go to schools, or show reluctance,” the survey said.
It said, 28.88 percent government primary schools suffer from pure drinking water while 48 percent schools have not toilet facilities.
The disastrous area’s health centers are two kilometers from the 40 percent educational institutions. There is no primary aid training at 70 percent institutions, the survey found.
It also said that playground is a must for every educational institutions but 50 percent institutions have no playgrounds. It blocks exposition of talent in sports.
The survey suggested to strengthen the local government for recovering the loses after the natural calamities and bring the institutions into normal shape to continue academic activities.
Director of the BANBEIS Md Faisullah said the survey on the educational institutions in the disastrous area has been done for the first time in the country. “I hope that the government will take proper initiative to ensure good academic atmosphere in the educational institution after any disaster following the survey,” he said.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said the survey showed the actual scenario of the educational institutions in the disastrous area. The information provided by the survey would be beneficial to improve academic atmosphere.