75 pc fund enhanced for university research


Seventy-five percent funds have been enhanced to the research fields in public universities from this financial year.
Chairman of Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC) Prof Abdul Mannan revealed this yesterday while addressing a discussion in Rajshahi University (RU) as chief guest.
University authorities should remain alert in this regard so that no single allocated money remained unspent, he stressed.
Besides, the varsity authorities should oversee the matter of whether the teachers are performing their duties properly or not. Prof Mannan categorically said teachers’ role is very much important to make the students educationally and scientifically enriched.
RU Teachers Association (RUTA) organized the discussion titled “Educational Environment and Quality Improvement in University Level” held in Jubery International Guest House.
UGC Chief Prof Mannan said the teachers should be more attentive to innovation and research. He called for more pro-active scientific and industrial research for benefiting the general public.
“There are many ones who make copy of other research works,” blamed Prof Mannan. He viewed that the copying practice must be stopped for quality improvement in research.
He said all the research and findings of those should be linked to the private entrepreneurs for successful marketing of the products together with making those familiarized and accessible to the consumers in general.
“You should be practical and your research outputs must be people-oriented,” Prof Mannan reminded the researchers and scientists adding that carrying out valueless research by spending huge public money must be stopped.
He put emphasis on exploring the potentiality of the region so that it could
be flourished industrially for its economic emancipation.
RUTA General Secretary Prof Shah Azam Shantunu, former president Prof
Ananda Kumar Shaha and Director of Institute of Bangladesh Studies Prof
Swarachis Sarker also spoke.
