Eligibility for exams: 70 pc attendance in classes to be enough

Staff Reporter :
Seventy percent attendance in classes will be enough as criterion to make students eligible for any public examination, the Education Ministry sources said.
The Education Ministry in a circular on Tuesday said it has been noticed that in order to maintain 100 percent pass rate or good results in public examinations, some educational institutions bar students from appearing in public examinations even when they fail in one or two subjects only in test examinations. On the other hand, some miss the public exams because of sickness, natural disasters, accidents or for unexpected development.
The Education Ministry has sent the circular to schools, colleges, madrasahs and technical training institutes across the country yesterday (Tuesday).
The circular, signed by Education Secretary Nazrul Islam Khan, the Education Ministry ordered the heads of all the schools, colleges, technical schools and madrasahs to arrange the test exams with due importance, and as per directions of the Education Board to allow the students
having 70 percent attendance to sit for the public examinations, even if they fail in the test examinations.
The Ministry also advised them, if any student fails to perform well in test examination, the teacher concerned must be cautioned while extra-care should be taken for the weak and below-performing students.
The managing committees, governing bodies of all the private schools, colleges, technical schools and madrasahs should arrange within one month of the publication of results of public examinations for evaluations of performances of students per subject under each teacher as the government wants each student to successfully complete his or her school life, the circular added.