70-80pc pry SMCs `non-functional`

Staff Reporter :
About 70-80 per cent of the primary school management committees (SMCs) are non functional, while the situation in the country’s hard-to-reach areas is even worse, experts said.
They revealed this at a programme titled ‘Project Learning sharing and Exit Meeting’ at UCEP Bangladesh in the city on Sunday.
Care Bangladesh, a non government organization organised it as part of the ending programme of PCTFI (Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative) project on October 31.
 In primary education, Sylhet is in the poorest state among all the divisions, where serious irregularities have been unearthed and political interference has taken a serious shape, affecting development of the education sector, the experts said.
Directorate of Primary Education (DoPE) director general Md Alamgir attended the programme as the chief guest.
Care Bangladesh has been implementing the PCTFI project in 36 schools of hard-to-reach Dirai and Jamalganj upazilas under Sunamganj since 2007.
Objectives of the project are to enhance efficiency of the SMCs and strengthening those to ensure girl child-friendly environment in the schools, increase presence of girl students, pass rates and rate of enrolment at secondary level, and develop girls’ leadership through various activities.
Directorate of Primary Education (DoPE) director (policy and operation) Md Anowarul Hoque, Deputy Director Md Delwar Hossain (inclusive education), Deputy Director primary education (sylhet division) Tahmina Khatun and primary education officer of Sunam ganj Hazrat Ali were present at the programme .
Besides, managing committee members and head masters of 36 primary schools from Dirai and Jamalganj upozilas were also present.