70. 72 pc pass in BOU` SSC exam


Results of the lst and 2nd year final examination-2015 of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Programme under Bangladesh Open University (BOU) have been announced yesterday, says a press release.
A total of 83,266 students appeared at the SSC lst and 2nd year final examinations of which 42,211 (Forty two thousand two hundred eleven) students appeared in the final examinations. 29,851 (Twenty nine thousand eight hundred fifty one) students came out successfully. The pass percentage is 70.72. Of the successful examinees 26 got A+, 4,798 ‘A`, 9,097 ‘A-`, 8,861 ‘B’, 6,782 ‘C’ and 287 students passed in the ‘D’ grade. Among the successful students 16,154 are male & the percentage is 59.05 and 13,697 are female & the percentage is 92.20.
