7 suspected militants picked up by plain clothes men after release on bail in Barisal

Barisal Correspondent :
Suspected seven militants were picked up by plain cloth men from Barisal Central Jail Gate after released on bail by order of the High Court.
The relatives of the victims holding a press conference on Sunday noon at Barisal Press Club alleging this said the incident happened on Thursday evening and different branches of law enforcing agencies expressed their ignorance in this connection.
The abducted victims were Masum Billah, Nurul Islam, Md. Sohag. Md Jubayer, Abul Bashar, Sirajul Islam and Minhajul Islam.
Mahmuda Begum, mother, Khairul Bashar, brother of abducted Bakibillah, Mannan Khan, father of Nurul Islam, Yusuf Hossain, father Jubayer, Nurul Islam, father of Sohag were present among other relatives of the abducted victims in the press conference.
Nine youth were arrested as suspected militants by police from a madrasa at Nachan Mahal of Mollarhut union under Nalcity upazila of Jhalakathi district on August 14, 2013.
Police lodged three cases of militant activities, possessing illegal arms and explosives against each of them with Nalcity police station on the same night.
However police filed charge sheet against eight out of nine accused and Jhalakathi court founding them guilty in only one case of suspected militant activities sentenced them to 4-year imprisonment on end of 2014.
Then the sentenced persons were sent to Barisal jail for serving their term.
However the accused lodged appeal with higher court and court sanctioned bail after accepting the appeal on October 10, 2016.
The order of High Court reached at Barisal jail on November 10 and after examining the documents of the order released seven out of 8 accused on November 10 evening, said Kamal Hossain, senior superintendent of Barisal central jail.
Only Mashiur Rahman was not released as he was shown arrest in another case.
The jail authority following the order of the high court released other seven accused duly. After that the incident alleged by the relatives of the accused, was happened after the release of the victims from jail and so out of their jurisdiction, the jail super added.
However relatives of the released seven accused told plain-cloth men identifying themselves as DB Police picked them on two microbus and since then, they remained missing, told the relatives of the victims.
We inquired before different braches of law enforcing agencies in Jhalakathi and Barisal, but they expressed their ignorance about the where about of the abducted victims, the relatives added.
Police of Barisal Kotwali police station at first denied to accept our general diary about missing, but after hearing about holding press conference the accepted it as GD no.-743 on Sunday noon.
But after few hours they calling us to the police station collected copy of the GD telling that there were some mistake and it should be written correctly for filing, told Khairul Bashar, bother of the missing victim Bakibillah.
Azad Rahman, assistant police commissioner of Kotwali police station, said he was on leave in last few days and now joined in duty and investigate about the allegation of GD.
