‘7 lakh street children still vulnerable to violence’


Around seven lakh street children in the country are still vulnerable to violence, sexual abuse, hazardous work and trafficking and rehabilitation of the growing number of such children is becoming a challenging task for the government.
The government is working to give shelter to the vulnerable and street children and it has taken various steps, including rehabilitation program, for these children. Of the seven lakh street children, 2.50 lakh children live in the capital.
According to a study of Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CCSEC) consortium, 86 percent street children are addicted to drugs and most of them are traumatized due to various terrible experiences in their life. The CCSEC project is run with a fund of the European Union (EU). It mainly works to stop sexual abuse of street children.
It finds that over 20,000 children are born and live in 12 registered brothels across the country.
The CCSEC study says it is working on the street children centered at Dhaka’s Mirpur Sha Ali Majar. Sha Ali Majar is used as a center of hund1reds of street children; 12 catchments areas adjacent to Sha Ali Majar, where street children reside and work.
Street children also endure increased risks in regard to their safety and well-being. Many of them work, often in hazardous and low-wage, to support themselves and their families. Street boys are used to petty hefting; girl children are compelled to take sex work as profession; 86 percent children are drug addicted.
Goal of the CCSEC project: the overall objective of the project is to contribute to the elimination of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in Bangladesh.
The specific objective of the project is to protect and promote the rights of survivors and at risk children of CSEC through facilitating implementation of ILO Convention 182 (ILO-C182) and UNCRC Optional Protocol two (UNCRC-OP-2) in Bangladesh.
