7 Hundi traders held with forex

UNB, Benapole :
Members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) arrested seven suspected international Hundi traders along with 2.4 lakh US dollars, 70,000 British pounds and 5,900 Indian Rupees on Friday evening.
The arrestees are- Billal Hossain, 28, Abdus Salam, 30, Iqbal Sardar, 27, Mirazul Islam, 22, Jahangir Alam, 44, Kabir Hossain, 33, and Saiful Islam, 34. All of them hail from Shariatpur district.
This is the biggest ever currency seizure at Beanpole land port, said Lieutenant Colonel Selim Reza, 49-BGB commanding officer.
Based on secret information, a BGB team raided a bus of South Line Paribahan and seized the foreign currencies worth Tk 3 crore, mobile phone sets and credit cards from the Hundi traders, he said.
Lieutenant Colonel Selim Reza said earlier the Hundi traders visited India 30 times.
The arrestees were handed over to Benapole port police and a case was filed in this connection.