7 DU affiliated college admission test tomorrow


DU Correspondent :
The first year honours 2017-18 admission test of the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty of seven colleges affiliated with Dhaka University will be held on December 1.
The examination will be run from 10:00 am to 11:00 am on this day at nine different centers.
The nine centers are Eden Mohila College (Roll- 300001 to 305000), Begum Badrunnesa Government Women College (Roll- 305001 to 307396), Dhaka College (Roll-307397 to 310896), Kobi Nazrul Government College (Roll- 310897 to 312440), Government Shahed Suhrawardy College (Roll- 312441 to 314640), Government Titumir College (Roll- 314641 to 318140), Government Bangla College (318141 to 320620), Azimpur Government Girls School and College (Roll- 320621 to 322130) and Home Economics College (Roll- 322131 to 323704).
A total of 23,704 students applied in contrast to 16,900 seat at Arts and Social Sciences Faculty.
The Science Faculty admission test will be held at December 8, while the Business Administration Faculty admission test will be held at December 9.
For more details student will have to visit websit- www.7college.du.ac.bd
