7 Bangladeshi teens return from India

Benapole Correspondent :
Seven Bangladeshi teenagers girl, and a youth , returned home through Benapole check post on Wednesday morning after serving two years Jail in India.
Indian police handed them over to Benapole immigration police at 9.00 am.
The returnees were identified as Rupa Chowdhury 25,Rabea Khatun 27,Laboni Akter 18 ,Nargis Khatun 15, Shila Khatun 14 , Sagor Mollah 13 , Shafiqul Islam 14 a resident of Narail and Jashore districts.
Masum Billah , officer in-charge of Benapole check post immigration police, said a team of Indian police had arrested them from Kolkatta for going there illegally.
A gang of human traffickers took them to India through Jessore border promising to arrange lucrative jobs, he said.
They were sent to a Kolkatta court which jailed them for two years.
Later, on completion of the jail term, they were kept at a Lalua shelter home there.
The Indian authorities returned them following repeated requests by the Bangladesh home ministry.