6m diabetic patients in Bangladesh

UNB, Dhaka :
Mentioning that there are nearly 6 million diabetic patients in Bangladesh, chief sustainability officer of the
world’s leading insulin producer Novo Nordisk Susanne Stormer said half of them even do not know that they are suffering from the disease.
Speaking at a press meet on ‘Corporate Sustainability through Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Approach’, she also said as part of the sustainable business, Novo Nordisk aims to create awareness among people who are unaware about the disease.
Novo Nordisk organised the press meet at Azimur Rahman Conference Hall at the Daily Star Centre in the city.
Although there are best diabetes products in the world, it will not work properly if patients do not listen to doctors or the doctors ignore the patients’ problems, Susanne Stormer said, adding that the company came up with the awareness programme both for doctors and patients with the motto ‘Changing Diabetes’.
According to the International Diabetes Federation South-East Asia, there were 5.9 million diabetic patients in Bangladesh last year and the figure is expected to double by 2030.
The federation data also says nearly 1.12 lakh people died due to diabetes-related complexity in 2014 in the country.
Managing Director of Novo Nordisk (Bangladesh) Rajan Kumar and its head of marketing Mohammad Saiful also spoke at the programme.